List of Chapters

Fuzopuncture: A New Therapeutic Approach to Treat Joint Disorders

Author(s) : Kyeong Mee Park*; Tae Hwan Cho; Dong Pill Cho

Acupuncture has beneficial roles in the treatment of various musculoskeletal disorders and therefore is thought to be a potential therapy replacing generally accepted pharmacological intervention. Efforts to investigate the characteristic of acupuncture points have revealed that loci with dense neurovascular complexes coincided with the acupuncture points. Stimulation of acupuncture points seems to generate and transmit neural activation signals in a facilitative manner to modulate various disease symptoms. Fuzopuncture is a prominent acupuncture point injection technique used practically in Korea. Fuzopuncture utilizes specific acupuncture points localized on the joints, muscles acting in concert with the joints, and spinal regions innervating the joints. In this chapter, we describe Fuzopuncture theory and therapeutic use of Fuzopuncture in treating joint diseases. The pathophysiology of 10 joint diseases including the temporomandibular joint to ankle joint is extensively investigated.

Acupuncture in Primary Headache Disorders

Author(s) :Ho Tin Wong; Fayyaz Ahmed*

Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese medicine, which has been used for treatment in headache disorders as well as for other health conditions. It is an ancient practice which has been used for thousands of years and the original theory is based on altering ‘Qi’ which is believed to run through certain ‘meridians’. In recent years, studies have investigated the neurobiological basis of acupuncture and a number of theories have been proposed for its mechanism in various health disorders. A number of trials asked whether acupuncture is clinically effective but the nature of the intervention makes it difficult to assess through modern medical methods where randomized double blind controlled trials are considered as the gold standard.