List of Chapters

Cardiology in the World of Informatics, Big Data and Machine Learning

Author(s): Thomas Kingsley; Robert Kirchoff; Rahul Chaudhary*

In the pre-industrial era healthcare for the most part was delivered in patient’s homes or small clinics. It was infeasible for most patients to travel outside the small proximity of their town given the logistical constraints of traveling, even distances that today would be considered insignificant. The industrial revolution brought larger roads, train lines and mass production of automobiles, which made travel much easier.

Clinical Approach to Infective Endocarditis

Author(s): Loredana Faraldi

Few diseases present greater difficulties in the way of diagnosis then are malignant endocarditis, difficulties which in many cases are practically insurmountable. It is no disparagement to the many skilled physicians who have put their cases upon record to say that, in fully one-half the diagnosis was made post mortem. More than 100 years after Osler’s affirmation, the diagnosis and management of endocarditis remain a great challenge for the clinicians even today; in fact, its mortality is around 20% at 30 days and 30% at 1 year, with a percentage that can vary depending on the population studied. Right endocarditis, which accounts for 5% - 10% of all cases, is characterized by lower mortality, but can increase over a longer period in the case of patients who are chronic intravenous drug users.