Human Papillomavirus Infection

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Human Papillomavirus Infection

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Published Chapters:

Povidone-Iodine as Treatment for Human Papillomavirus

Author(s): Kara Capriotti*; Jesse Pelletier; Samuel Barone; Colin Nuckolls; Joseph Capriotti

Verruca vulgaris, also known as common warts, are benign skin growths caused by a viral infection of the skin. Treatment is recommended for patients with extensive, spreading, or symptomatic warts. Many patients feel the condition is socially stigmatizing and thus seek treatment. Treatment methods that are commonly employed include topical agents, intralesional injections, cryotherapy, laser, electrodessication and surgical excision. Clinical evidence favoring one therapeutic route over another is limited, which provides rationale as to why there are so many anecdotal treatment options. The current treatment options lack specific anti-viral options, and instead focus on physical destruction, chemical destruction, and localized irritants that are intended to upregulate the immune system and immunomodulatory therapies. This may provide an explanation as to why some common warts are resistant to treatment.

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